Team & Collection Experts
CSUR team of 4 members
With a team of 4 members (2 Engineers and 2 Laboratory technicians), the CSUR collection main objective is to gather 10 copy of each preserved bacterial strains.

Stéphane Alibar
Project Manager
Missions & Expertise
In charge of :
- Management of the bacterial strain collection (Bacteria Curator)
- New bacterial species
- Deposit of new species in international strain collections
- Liaising with the various international bacterial strains collections
- Sales and customer Service
- Drafting of sales contracts and material transfer agreements

Amaël Fadlane
Hospital Engineer
Missions & Expertise
In charge of :
- the CSUR Collection, bacterial culture and preservation.
- the Fungi and Yeast Collection.
- the fastidious bacteria culture.
- Research for specific media of fastidious bacteria.

Zakia Ali
Engineer assistant
- Reception and registration of bacterial strains.
- Culture and identification by MALDI-TOF.
- Creation of MALDI-TOF references.
- Congelation and storage of bacterial strains.
Collection Experts
4 referent experts in bacteria, fungi & yeast, archae and virus. You can contact them for any questions on these collection.

Pr. Pierre-Édouard Fournier
Medical biologist, specialist in clinical bacteriology, Director of the CNR for Rickettsia, Coxiella and Bartonella
Expertise field

Pr. Stéphane Ranque
Medical Doctor and Infectious diseases and tropical medicine specialist.
Expertise field
Fungi & Yeast

Pr. Michel Drancourt
Medical Doctor and Infectious diseases and old and new pathogens specialist
Expertise field

Pr. Bernard La Scola
Director of the NSB3 laboratory
Expertise field